Download "brasero" bit deb package. bit deb package. APT INSTALL. Other versions of "brasero" in Hirsute No other version of this package is available in the Hirsute release. Changelog. There is no recent update for this package. About - Send Feedback to @ubuntu_updates. · Brasero is one of many tools available for you to use to burn your CD/DVDs. And now you should know how to create both a data disk (which is is perfect for data backups) as well as burning ISO download files. Brasero is a very simple tool to use. Next week we will visit a different tool for the same tasks – K3B. · Open up your package manager (i.e. Synaptic, gnome-packagekit, Ubuntu Software Center, etc), search for “brasero”, mark the resulting Brasero entry for installation. Next, just hit Apply to start the installation. Step 2. Now you can insert a blank disc, either a .
7/10 (18 Stimmen) - Download Brasero Linux kostenlos. Brasero ist ein Programm, um CDs oder DVDs auf Linux zu brennen. Downloaden Sie Brasero kostenlos und erstellen Sie Backups von Filmen, Musik oder Daten. Auf keinem Computer sollte ein Brennprogramm fehlen, ein Programm, um Dateien, die Sie. (última versão) Brasero. Download. Download Freeware (3,74 MB) Unix Linux - Inglês. 8 / Os Prós Muito bom software para baixar filmes e gravar ou copiar CDs. Ele ainda faz backup, preservando a memória do seu PC. Ana Spadari. brasero free download. ExTiX - The Ultimate Linux System Version , , , (five versions - Build , , , and ).
7/10 (18 Stimmen) - Download Brasero Linux kostenlos. Brasero ist ein Programm, um CDs oder DVDs auf Linux zu brennen. Downloaden Sie Brasero kostenlos und erstellen Sie Backups von Filmen, Musik oder Daten. Brasero Windows 10 Download. El brasero windows 10 download debe complementar la mesa, los taburetes de la barra, las macetas y cualquier otro mueble de exterior. Entonces, para ti un calor despacio, una hermosa vista de las llamas danzantes que te ofrece una paz sin igual, con la impresión de estar frente a una chimenea real. brasero free download. ExTiX - The Ultimate Linux System Version , , , (five versions - Build , , , and ).